The SurvivorsatthecentrE: Organizational Strategies to Generate Best Practices for Engaging and Embedding Survivors of Gender-Based Violence initiative is to develop a survivor-led standards manual to support the GBV sector on how to effectively engage survivors, using a trauma-informed and survivor-centred framework.
Considering the significant rise of GBV during the pandemic, many organizations recognized the need to develop programs, procedures and internal organizational supports to ensure that the GBV sector could effectively support and embed survivors within their work.
As the first incorporated organization created by and for women, trans and gender diverse survivors of GBV, WomenatthecentrE received several requests from existing community partners and external organizations for consultations on how to effectively engage and incorporate survivors in all aspects of their work. As a result of multiple requests, we quickly recognized the need to develop this manual.
Portfolio: Research & Education
Using traditional & novel tools for information gathering, to better understand the nuances of gendered violence.
WomenatthecentrE Team
Nikki Plant (She/Her), Project Coordinator