Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Symposium
The Critical Connections Symposium promoted increased awareness of the impact of woman abuse as it relates to the safety and well being of children and families. This event featured internationally recognized keynote speakers, highlighted collaborative programs in Ontario and launched an “ideas and practice guide” – Critical Connections: Where Woman Abuse and Child Safety Intersect – A Practice Guide for Child Welfare Professionals in Ontario – for service providers. This practice guide was heavily influenced by the feedback provided by women survivors in the December 2009 focus group facilitated by WomenatthecentrE in December.
Our Executive Director Nneka MacGregor attended and participated in panel discussions with Janet Meneses (survivor and community activist), Amandeep Kaur and Baldev Muttah (Punjabi Community Health Services), as they addressed ways to make the child welfare sector more responsive to the needs of diverse women in the province of Ontario.