
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789




The Feed-In, Feed-Back, Feed-Forward project aims to strengthen organizational capacity through planning and the development and facilitation of trainings to enhance the skillset across the WomenatthecentrE community. As a result, WomenatthecentrE and the wider community will be fully equipped to address the long-term impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on survivors across Canada.

This project aims to strengthen organizational capacity through planning and the development and facilitation of trainings using a "train-the-trainer" approach, which will enhance the skillset across all staff, students, and volunteers, as well as external community partners and service providers. As a result, WomenatthecentrE and the wider community will be fully equipped to address the long-term impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on survivors across Canada. This includes effectively addressing the escalating frequency and severity of gender-based violence (GBV) and ultimately providing better care to more survivors.

Portfolio: Research & Education

Using traditional & novel tools for information gathering, to better understand the nuances of gendered violence.


WomenatthecentrE Team

Kelsy Dundas (She/Her), Project Manager

Sandy Anaya (She/Her), Project Coordinator

Project Timeline: May 2023 - May 2024

Our goal is to build organizational capacity among staff, students and volunteers to better support survivors and community members through a series of training sessions, as well as promote sustainability within the organization.

Completed Activities
  • The development of a comprehensive volunteer outreach and engagement plan to support organizational sustainability
  • The development and facilitation of legal and interventions trainings to internal staff, students, and volunteers
  • Development of a revenue generating training program to build capacity amongst the GBV and corporate sectors to better support survivors

Feed In, Feed Back and Feed Forward Evaluation Report

Read our Evaluation Report for Feed-In, Feed-Back, Feed-Forward – a capacity building project funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE). It involved the implementation of strategies and resources that will ensure the sustainability of WomenatthecentrE. The report’s contents include:

  1. Project Description
  2. Project Objectives
  3. FI FB FF Evaluation Purpose & Questions
  4. FI FB FF Evaluation
  5. FI FB FF Extension Evaluation Purpose & Questions
  6. FI FB FF Extension Evaluation
  7. Project Team
  8. Acknolwedgments

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Actions for Survivors

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Actions for the Public

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Actions for the Community

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What's New

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