
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

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Nneka MacGregor interviewed by Alex Pierson

Our Executive Director Nneka was interviewed on The Alex Pierson Show on AM640 Toronto CFIQ, discussing some of the nuances of gender-based violence.

Listen to Nneka’s interview below!


Report warns number of young femicide victims in Ontario rising

Our Executive Director Nneka was asked by CBC about the alarming increase in young femicide victims.

“People are operating under a very misguided belief that it won’t happen to them or anyone they know, but the increase in numbers means that it’s happening constantly,” she says.

Read the Article on CBC



Join Our Survivor Expert Collective!

We are hiring folks to join WE SEC! Interested in using your lived experience to make a difference? Now’s your chance! Download the volunteer role description below.

About This Volunteer Role

Cross-Sectoral Solutions is a project is funded by Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to adapt, pilot and evaluate an evidence-based, trauma-informed, multi-sectoral program for survivors of gender-based violence with resultant brain injury (GBV-TBI).

WomenatthecentrEโ€™s Survivor Expert Collective (WE SEC) is a survivor advisory collective that provide strategic direction of the project key activities and deliverables. WE SEC will act as a group that holds the organization and key stakeholders accountable to survivors as the main priority of our work.

Learn a little bit about the role below!


Roles & Responsibilities

  • WE SEC members must have lived experience as survivors of gender-based violence and brain injury
  • Attend a monthly 2-hour meetings and meaningfully participate in discussions and feedback sessions
  • Spend an additional 1hour per month reviewing materials shared (either prior to or post meetings)

Meeting Frequency

  • Meetings are held once a month and are virtual


  • WE SEC members will be compensated $300 per meeting + 1 hour of additional work outside the monthly meeting
Please contact Kelsy Dundas, our Program Manager, if you’re interested in learning more about this opportunity!

June 2024 Focus Groups are Open!

Want to get more involved with WomenatthecentrE? We’re currently running a handful of focus groups for different initiatives, topics, and demographics!
Rooting Resilience
This focus group is to explore your experiences with peer support.
Open to GBV survivors living with a disability.
Interested? Email Mandira Arnab Aich, the Program Manager.
The Amourgynoir Code
This focus group is a series of interviews to learn about your unique nuanced experiences as a Black woman, girl, gender-diverse and/or trans person.
Open to BWGGDT survivors.
Interested? Email Tarah Paul, the Program Manager.
Resilience 360
This focus group is to understand ways to support survivors of human trafficking.
Open to friends and family of human trafficking survivors.
Interested? Email Mandira Arnab Aich, the Program Manager.

Announcing the Four Host Sites for the Cross Sectoral Solutions Pilot Project

We are delighted to announce the four host sites that will be administering the pilot project for our Cross Sectoral Solutions initiative!


Brain Injury Society of Toronto (BIST) - Brain Injury Canada Connect
BIST is one of three host sites providing critical support and feedback for this initiative. BIST is a community driven non-profit providing support for those living with acquired brain injuries. We want to thank BIST for their continued and valued engagement, bringing this survivor led initiative to fruition.
Ingamo Homes - From Broken to Brave
Ingamo Homes is one of four host sites providing critical support and feedback for this initiative. Ingamo Homes offers support, advocacy and avenues to empowerment for survivors of violence and their families. We want to thank Ingamo Homes for their critical perspective, valued engagement, and ongoing support for the success of this initiative.
The Cridge Centre for the Family
The Cridge Centre for the Family is one of four host sites providing critical support and feedback for this initiative, The Cridge Centre is a charity offering numerous supports to adults, children and families, to restore hope and provide a better future. We want to thank The Cridge Centre for their long standing partnership, support for WomenatthecentrE, and their passion for supporting survivors and their families.
L'Alliance des maisons d'hรฉbergement de 2e รฉtape invite la population ร  rester indignรฉe face aux fรฉminicides
Lโ€™Alliance MH2 is one of four host sites providing critical support and feedback for this initiative. Lโ€™Alliance MH2 is a feminist and activist collection of second stage shelters for women and children survivors of domestic violence. We want to thank Lโ€™Alliance MH2 for sharing their passion, advocacy and expertise with this initiative and its collective community.

Womenโ€™s Groups Call for Amending the Divorce Act

At a news conference in Ottawa, representatives from a coalition of feminist organizations call on the federal government to make changes to the Divorce Act. Taking part were Tiffany Butler, executive director of the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL), and Julie Rioux, whose petition (e-4517) calls for changes to the use of โ€œparental alienationโ€ and associated concepts in family child custody cases.

They were joined by Suzanne Zaccour (director of legal affairs, NAWL), Nneka MacGregor (executive director, WomenatthecentrE), Grace Tabaka (director, Dรฉfense des droits des jeunes, Regroupement des Auberges du cล“ur), and Deepa Mattoo (executive director, Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic).


Watch the video of the news conference on CPAC



Job Posting: Research Associate

We are hiring a Research Associate! Would you like to be a part of the team here at WomenatthecentrE? Now’s your chance! Download the full job description below.


About This Role

This research associate would support our program evaluation process by supporting survivor research participants complete surveys monthly, during a 20-week program intervention. The research associate would also organize all the survey collected data, ensuring our research blinding protocol is enacted effectively and data is kept anonymous and confidential.


  • Reports to Research Lead, Project Manager, Program Manager and Executive Director
  • Attend regular team and advisory board/committee meetings
  • Completion of appropriate trainings related to organizational onboarding, the project, and gender-based violence (GBV) and traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Review and completion of appropriate documents
  • Maintain confidentiality pertaining to survivorsโ€™ information, experiences and declarations
  • Work collaboratively with project teams
  • Lead a research blinding protocol
  • Support research participants complete program evaluation surveys through phone and/or zoom
  • Organize research data effectively, efficiently and clearly



  • ย Identifies as a survivor of gender based violence and/or traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Ability to speak and write in French is essential
  • Understanding of trauma-informed approach to practice
  • Work from an intersectional feminist, anti-racism, and anti-oppressive framework
  • Ability to work collaborative with project partners, other staff, volunteers and placement students is essential
  • Formal or informal experience in community development, social and political advocacy work, and community-based research
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Interested? Please submit your resume/CV and cover letter using the link below by Feb 1, 2024!

A Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau calling for a ceasefire

We along with other feminist organizations have sent a joint appeal to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, calling for a ceasefire.

We, the undersigned, a coalition of feminist, gender justice, and human rights organizations, come together to add our collective voice, echoing the concerns of Canadians and advocates worldwide. The escalating death toll in the Palestine and Israel region demands immediate attention and action. We implore the Canadian Government to wield its influence forcefully, demanding an immediate ceasefire in the occupied Gaza Strip and Israel. We call on our government to join the international effort to monitor the ceasefire.





Advocates call for more options for justice for sexual violence victims

Our Program Manager Nicole and Community Outreach Coordinator Marlee discuss the need for restorative justice as an option for sexual violence victims with Newmarket Today.

Liss, who is now a restorative justice advocate and somatic coach, recalled there was never a mention of restorative justice or alternatives when she was led into the punitive system after she was sexually assaulted in 2016.

“So I actually did end up reporting to the police, and I went through the punitive process for three years. And my very first thought was that I was going to drop the charges because I didn’t want to do that. At the same time, I felt a lack of closure or justice, and I was grieving a lot.”

Her case was one of Ontario’s only cases in which a criminal sexual assault offence had been resolved through restorative justice.

Read the Article on Newmarket Today



Feminicidios alcanzan nuevo rรฉcord en Canadรก

Our Executive Director Nneka discusses the new record of femicides reached in Canada with The Bridge.

Nneka MacGregor, miembro del Femicide Observatory y cofundadora del Black Femicide Canada Council dijo que es crucial tener discusiones francas sobre el papel de la raza y el racismo en la violencia de gรฉnero, ademรกs de recopilar datos para ayudar a comprender el alcance total del problema..

Read the Article on The Bridge


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