
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789




This initiative aims to develop supports & tools created by and for trafficking survivors that will reignite their power and resilience through survivor-led advocacy and education.

There is growing awareness of human trafficking in Canada, communities and governments have quickly realized that survivors of trafficking require different supports than other forms of gender-based violence.

We completed an environmental scan of our membership and found that 9% of members identified as survivors of trafficking. With this knowledge, we mobilized our anti-trafficking portfolio to support survivors, advocate for change and raise awareness.

Portfolio: Research & Education

Using traditional & novel tools for information gathering, to better understand the nuances of gendered violence.


WomenatthecentrE Team

Mandira Arnab Aich (She/Her), Project Manager

Krystal Snider (She/Her), Lead Project Consultant

Maya Casanova (She/Her), Project Partnership & Evaluation Specialist

Olivia Miller (She/Her), Project Coordinator

This 37-month project will develop and implement promising intervention practices to advance knowledge and enhance empowerment supports for at-risk populations of survivors of human trafficking in Ontario, Alberta, Yukon, British Columbia, and Quebec.

This will be achieved by developing and delivering a survivor-led, "train-the-trainer" training program to front-line workers, hotel staff, healthcare workers, law enforcement, and members of the media, as well as the community at large; by shifting the public discourse of survivors to focus on their strengths, resilience, and resistance within the context of human trafficking; and by partnering with agencies and organizations that are well-known for cultivating research, advancing knowledge and advocating in the field of human trafficking to conduct participatory ground-breaking research within the Canadian context.

At the end of the project, the organization will have developed a Canada-wide membership program, designed by and for survivors of human trafficking, that focuses on community, collective healing, peer support, advocacy, training and awareness-raising activities and opportunities.





Embedding Resilience & Grounding Resistance

This initiative aims to develop supports & tools created by and for trafficking survivors that will reignite their power and resilience through survivor-led advocacy and education.

There is growing awareness of human trafficking in Canada, communities and governments have quickly realized that survivors of trafficking require different supports than other forms of gender-based violence.

We completed an environmental scan of our membership and found that 9% of members identified as survivors of trafficking. With this knowledge, we mobilized our anti-trafficking portfolio to support survivors, advocate for change and raise awareness.

Portfolio: Research & Education
Using traditional & novel tools for information gathering, to better understand the nuances of gendered violence.


WomenatthecentrE Team
Mandira Arnab Aich (She/Her), Project Manager

Krystal Snider (She/Her), Lead Project Consultant

Maya Casanova (She/Her), Project Partnership & Evaluation Specialist

Olivia Miller (She/Her), Project Coordinator

This 37-month project will develop and implement promising intervention practices to advance knowledge and enhance empowerment supports for at-risk populations of survivors of human trafficking in Ontario, Alberta, Yukon, British Columbia, and Quebec.

This will be achieved by developing and delivering a survivor-led, "train-the-trainer" training program to front-line workers, hotel staff, healthcare workers, law enforcement, and members of the media, as well as the community at large; by shifting the public discourse of survivors to focus on their strengths, resilience, and resistance within the context of human trafficking; and by partnering with agencies and organizations that are well-known for cultivating research, advancing knowledge and advocating in the field of human trafficking to conduct participatory ground-breaking research within the Canadian context.

At the end of the project, the organization will have developed a Canada-wide membership program, designed by and for survivors of human trafficking, that focuses on community, collective healing, peer support, advocacy, training and awareness-raising activities and opportunities.





Embedding Resilience & Grounding Resistance

This initiative aims to develop supports & tools created by and for trafficking survivors that will reignite their power and resilience through survivor-led advocacy and education.

There is growing awareness of human trafficking in Canada, communities and governments have quickly realized that survivors of trafficking require different supports than other forms of gender-based violence.

We completed an environmental scan of our membership and found that 9% of members identified as survivors of trafficking. With this knowledge, we mobilized our anti-trafficking portfolio to support survivors, advocate for change and raise awareness.

Portfolio: Research & Education

Using traditional & novel tools for information gathering, to better understand the nuances of gendered violence.


WomenatthecentrE Team

Mandira Arnab Aich (She/Her), Project Manager

Krystal Snider (She/Her), Lead Project Consultant

Maya Casanova (She/Her), Project Partnership & Evaluation Specialist

Olivia Miller (She/Her), Project Coordinator

This 37-month project will develop and implement promising intervention practices to advance knowledge and enhance empowerment supports for at-risk populations of survivors of human trafficking in Ontario, Alberta, Yukon, British Columbia, and Quebec.

This will be achieved by developing and delivering a survivor-led, "train-the-trainer" training program to front-line workers, hotel staff, healthcare workers, law enforcement, and members of the media, as well as the community at large; by shifting the public discourse of survivors to focus on their strengths, resilience, and resistance within the context of human trafficking; and by partnering with agencies and organizations that are well-known for cultivating research, advancing knowledge and advocating in the field of human trafficking to conduct participatory ground-breaking research within the Canadian context.

At the end of the project, the organization will have developed a Canada-wide membership program, designed by and for survivors of human trafficking, that focuses on community, collective healing, peer support, advocacy, training and awareness-raising activities and opportunities.

We are the only pan-Canadian project by and for survivors of human trafficking.

We are often teaching service providers, government and other institutions that the existing support network and response practices set up are ineffective and not co-created with survivors of trafficking. It’s our hope that you will join us to ensure that diverse survivor voices are front and centre of all responses across Turtle Island – what we now call Canada.

Actions for Survivors

Join our organization to connect with other survivors, build community, have access to information we are developing, gathering, and disseminating

Actions for the Public

It is imperative that the community learn the signs of human trafficking and what to do if a member of the community might be trafficked. Educate yourself on this topic & be vigilant.

Actions for the Community

It is our hope that communities will reach out for training, and to get involved on the local, provincial/territorial and federal level to advocate for survivor-led changes.

Support Survivors of Human Trafficking

Donate to our survivors fund, providing essential necessities to survivors of human trafficking.

What's New

See our Latest Updates on Anti-Human Trafficking

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