
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

By our members, for the world

We use our lived experiences to eradicate violence.


Members worldwide


Years of incorporation


Initiatives & Programs


goal: eradicate violence

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Our Organization

We are a survivor-led non-profit eradicating gender-based violence against women, girls, two-spirit, trans and gender-diverse peoples through personal, political and social advocacy.

For Survivors

For Society

For Systems

Our members are the heart of our organization. We support them by providing personal advocacy programs where they can connect, heal, learn, grow, train, advocate, support, and flourish. 

We're working to actively inform the general public of the realities of gender-based violence. The more society understands the causes and effects, the more we as a whole can become closer to eradication.

There are many foundational systems in our world that are broken, and contribute to the prevalence of gender-based violence. We work to address these issues in systems like police, legal, judicial, healthcare, and more.

Join Us

Become a member today by joining our organization, so your experience can help others.


Our organization relies on the amazing support of volunteers like you, whose time and energy positively impacts countless survivors.


Your donations go directly towards resources that help women & girls fleeing violence, and implementing programs to support survivors.

Our Services

Services Through Our Members


We develop unique workshops for schools to introduce or expand on the understanding of GBV, tailored to different ages.


We execute projects & programs to tackle societal issues in your jurisdiction that intersect with gendered violence.


We help upgrade your corporate culture by ensuring your employees are educated and trained about the intersection of gendered violence & the workplace.


We develop for and collaborate with nonprofits, to engage in programs and projects that fall within the scope of our portfolios.

Support our Courtwatch

Help fund our program to audit the criminal court process in cases of gender-based violence.

Make a difference

Help Fund Real Action

We are so grateful to have the support of many individuals just like you, who see the important work we are doing and want to help.

Donations from monthly gifts
Donors who have a personal connection to our work
Donors who choose a specific activity to fund
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